Sorry I haven’t been writing, I have been writing!

I set a goal at the beginning of this year to blog 50 times, so far I am way behind pace and my only excuse is that I have been writing too much! Not writing on my blog, but working on my book! I have officially begun the long journey to publishing my first novel. I have a lot of dreams but one of my biggest and most passionate is to be a best selling author and to survive off my words and travel the world spreading them. I am currently two chapters deep in my book, which may not sound like great progress but it is truly an accomplishment to me. Writing a book has always scared me, gave me nightmares, but now I don’t even go to sleep until I’ve forged a few new pages. I hope to finish the rough draft by the end of 2016 and have it published and printed by the following spring. I work on the book about 3 hours each day, sometimes more, and I am honestly putting everything I have into it. I am super busy working as a photographer’s assistant and modeling as well, so any spare time that I find I dedicate it to my long term goal. If you are interested I will give you more details about the book in a future post, not even sure if people still read my blog but I felt obligated to post! If you are following my moves then please be patient because there are big things to come, if you randomly read a blog or two of mine I still appreciate you and I hope I can give you what you come here for. I am writing this on my way out the  house so I apologize that it is rushed, rambling, and not as poetic as my typical posts are. I just don’t want to waste any time ever again so I had a free 20 minutes so I decided to check back into the WordPress Word. If you want a more up to date account of my life find me on Instagram:@dubekid . I also have Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook so hit me up if you wish! One love.